Download my free ultimate nap guide loaded with all the nap secrets!

Supporting busy moms with effective sleep solutions that work

I support working moms with multiple children in transforming sleepless nights and erratic schedules into restful nights and reliable routines. By teaching your baby to self-soothe and fall asleep independently, I help you establish a routine that fits your family’s needs.

Mama, I have been there...

Another night filled with cries coming from the monitor and that sinking feeling in your stomach that you have to get up and tend to your child AGAIN. You’re So exhausted you don’t even know what day it is. The bags under your eyes are a constant reminder of the sleep you’re missing out on. There are so many things you need to tend to during the day and you just can’t even!

You often question if you’re a good mom because the long nights are taking a toll on your mental health. You feel guilty for not being able to keep up with it all. You feel guilty for not loving every moment with your child. You feel guilty for complaining because you do love being a mom and you love your child with your whole heart.

Meet Your Sleep Bestie

Hi there, I'm Shanna!

I’m a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant residing in Orange County, California, with a passion for helping families achieve restful nights. With a background in Early Child Development and experience as a preschool teacher and behavior therapist, I understand the importance of healthy sleep habits for children. As a new mom, I grappled with sleep challenges, prompting my deep dive into sleep science. I’m committed to sharing effective strategies to ensure your family experiences the rejuvenating rest you deserve.


You don't have to do it all alone..

I work with families ready to embrace sleep training, providing the support and expertise needed to achieve your sleep goals with confidence.

Everything you need to know about your baby’s naps from 4-18 months from schedules to nap transitions and how to navigate daycare naps. It’s 19 pages packed with all the nap secrets

In this guide, we’ll explore the significance of sleep for toddlers and offer valuable insights on how to support your child in getting the rest they require for their continued development.

Over the course of 3 weeks, I’ll help you establish a calming bedtime routine, use gentle sleep training methods focusing on connection. As your sleep bestie I’ll be there every step of the way.


Read what other parents say about me

No more scrolling on Google!

I’ll create a custom sleep plan for you that is backed by science.
Proven to work. No Fluff. No BS


My latest articles

Dive into my collection of blogs, where I share valuable tips, expert advice, and the latest insights on fostering healthy sleep habits for your little one. Whether you’re seeking practical solutions or simply looking to stay informed, my blog is here to guide you on your journey to a well-rested family.

October 20, 2023

Welcoming a newborn into your family is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with the challenge of sleepless nights. The importance of sleep for both you and your baby cannot be overstated. In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of newborn sleep, why it differs from older children, why...

October 20, 2023

Creating a solid bedtime routine can transform bedtime battles into tranquil evenings for both you and your little one. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of bedtime routines, share practical tips, and provide real-life examples to help you establish a bedtime routine that works like a charm.

October 20, 2023

For parents, few things can be as distressing as witnessing their child’s sleep disrupted by frightening experiences. Night terrors and nightmares are common occurrences during childhood, but they can be perplexing and distressing to both children and their parents.

I’d love to connect!

Schedule a Free 15-Min. Sleep Assessment Call

During this complimentary 15-minute Sleep Assessment Call, we’ll focus on understanding your specific goals and addressing the challenges you’re facing with your child’s sleep. I’ll offer practical tips and recommendations while exploring how I can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your unique situation.

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